International Journal of Education and Information Studies (IJEIS) ISSN : 2277- 3169
Aims and Scope: The International Journal Education and Information Studies is a peer-reviewed publication, (IJEIS) seek the advancement of the knowledge in the expanding field of education and information studies. Our aim is to attract the highest quality theoretical and applied research in the field of information studies, including information science, management, retrieval, analysis, systems, theory, applications, and policy, Emerging advances in IT and its new applications, Knowledge economy, Enterprise resource models, Organizational barriers to implementing IT, Intelligent organizations, Social informatics, as well as in the other fields of human-computer interaction. The International Journal Education and Information Studies is a scholarly journal dedicated to reflect the interdisciplinary and dynamic field of information studies. Our aim is to promote the exchange of information and knowledge among researchers around the globe in general, practitioners, and educators in particular. Publication Date and Frequency: Two issues per year. Submission: Authors are requested to submit their papers electronically to with mention journal title (IJEIS) in subject line.
Annual Subscription Price: (Outside India) Library/ Institutional: Print : US$320.00 Online Only: US$300.00 Print + Online : US$:360.00 Individual/ Personnel: Print US$160.00 Inside India: Rs. 3500.00